Cleaning Tarnished Silver Jewelry

Today, I tackled cleaning my bedroom from top to bottom and in the process decided it was time to go through my jewelry, which just happened to be laying EVERYWHERE on my dresser. I started sorting through it all to find damaged or missing pieces and then noticed that a lot of my silver jewelry was tarnished. It was time for a clean.

Way back when I was putting myself through university, I worked at a flower/jewelry shop called Splurge Flowers and Gifts. I loved working there and learning about the different kinds of flowers and how to arrange them. One day, one of the ladies I worked with asked me to help her gather up all the jewelry that was starting to look tarnished so she could clean it. Thats when I learned this quick and natural cleaning trick that uses everyday household products.

Here is what you do.

Here is my tarnished jewelry. (The pictures just don’t do it justice. This really makes a huge difference!)


Note: Caution please don’t do this for really expensive jewelry take that to a place for a proper cleaning!

First you will need:


-aluminum foil


-baking soda

-a bowl

-boiling water

Step 1:

Boil the water


Step 2:

Line bowl with aluminum foil shiny side up


Step 3:

Put 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of soda into the bowl


Step 4:

Add boiling water and jewelry (Beware the chemical reaction will cause a sulphuric smell..if it stinks that means it’s working!)


Step 5:

Let jewelry sit for a few minutes, then remove rinse with cold water and dry with an old rag (some of the tarnish will rub off on the rag)


Step 6:

See the difference? Isn’t it amazing! (Again this picture just doesn’t show how clean and shiny it is now!)


All the tarnish will stick to the aluminum foil!

Step 7:

Put it back into your jewelry box so it’s ready to wear!


Clean and simple. Now that makes me happy!